June 11, 2011

My First attempt at Typography was shall i say a failed version? well i love henna, or as they call it in my language "mehndi" i thought to myself that i will write the alphabet with this, at that time, just a beginner, i knew nothing about the rules of typography.especially x-height of the letters, the stem, the ascender, the descender, i mean nothing! but yet i experimented anyway just to be creative and start my first typography attempt. I've attached a picture that explains the typography jargon i'm talking about for those of you thinking, "what are you on about?"
Sorry the quality might be a bit bad but i scanned it from a book.

The book is 'Typosphere by Pilar Cano and Marta Serrats.

and well this is my first typography attempt when i knew nothing and thought how cool am i making the alphabet, not even knowing there was a subject called "typography". 

Well i'm swamped with work so thats it for now. 
Have a good long weekend! Especially you Genna!

June 10, 2011

When i first started out doing Graphic Design, i was coming from such a 'in the books' subject i.e psychology, i was thinking what? i can actually make a career of being creative? So i started out to my venture of doing something i truely love. I started out with short course in Graphic Design to see what i was getting myself into- i was in love.

I'll be uploading my much earlier work, when i was a complete amateur, perhaps i still am. I like to learn with a theory that goes something like this

" A wise person is one who knows, that there is more to know, than what they know, you know?"

Whoever said- was a bloody genius! This made me be critical of my work to believe that learning is endless and it just makes me want to keep getting better at what i do.

Since this is my somewhat of a first post i won't bore you too much.
Attached is a my first ever typography work, i got so excited about all the different things i could do with type in illustrator.

June 6, 2011

The Giraffe starts to write!

We all say we are going to start a blog but procastination gets the better of us. My Friend Genna inspired me to start my own blog.

My blog will convey my graphic design work and any other art works and illustrations i may do. For now i am in no mind set to write something fantastic to make you laugh. I have nothing to write about nothing.